Dear Children,
With immense pride and belief, I bring this message to you on behalf of Kendriya Vidyalaya Gunupur family! My commitment at Kendriya Vidyalaya Gunupur is to provide a safe, positive, intellectual learning environment that will empower our students to become creative problem solvers, critical thinkers, and inspired learners prepared for higher education and life in the twenty-first century. In our endeavor to make these bright children the ideal citizens of tomorrow, in addition to their subject and syllabi, we also make every effort to imbibe them with ethos, culture and values that our great civilization stands for. I am asking each of my student to make a commitment to have PRIDE (Personal Responsibility In Daily Efforts) by being active participants in their learning. You students are our assets and your all round development is our sole responsibility.
Parenting has walked a long way off the traditional mode and has come to be a science. Educational pressure, peer pressure and parental pressure afflict the students of the new age. We as parents and teachers can best understand their problems, strengths and weaknesses. Here in Kendriya Vidyalaya Gunupur , it is the sacred duty of the teachers to create a friendly ambience in the vidyalaya where children are assured of love and acceptance. We should love our children for what they are and not what they achieve in life.